Fit For School Search

Lao PDR | GIZ | Ministries of Education | 07.03.2016

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Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience

Click to Download 'Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience'1468564646 SEAMEO INNOTECH-GIZ Research Update Sisattanak District Scale-up Experience 2016.pdf (1.03 MB)

Click to Download 'Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience'

Sisattanak is a district in Vientiane Capital with an advanced socio-economic profile compared to many other areas and districts in Lao PDR. Its location to the national level was an advantage during the research and development phase (2011- 2015) of the program in order to consolidate learnings from model schools and to develop implementation templates and materials for the Lao context. With these sound templates and materials, the program can be rolled out to more challenging areas in the country. The learnings from Sisattanak are considered useful for new districts that want to start program implementation since a lot can be learned about district management and school-based management in general using the example of the FIT implementation and scale-up.