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Getting Information for Programming: The Philippine Experience on WinS Monitoring

Getting Information for Programming: The Philippine Experience on WinS Monitoring

Data-driven decision-making on WinS

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools (WinS) planning and programming can only be done properly if data is made available. Recognizing the importance of data-driven decision-making, the Philippine Department of Education established the WinS monitoring system as part of its WinS-Three Star Approach (TSA) mechanism. The WinS-TSA is an integrated monitoring, quality assurance and performance recognition mechanism that support schools in attaining national WinS standards set by the Department Order No. 10, series of 2016 step-by-step.

As of January 22, 2018, 52% of primary and secondary schools nationwide have participated in the self-reported WinS monitoring. School data is uploaded into an electronic system, which immediately provides feedback on the WinS areas a school is doing good and areas which the school needs to improve. In addition, the School Division Offices receive information on the WinS status (individual schools and aggregates) in their jurisdiction which serves as basis for technical assistance to schools, division level plans (strategic and operational) and annual budget.


Philippine baseline figures for WinS SDGs

WASH in Schools is covered under Sustainable Development Goal 4 on inclusive and equitable quality education and under Goal 6 on water and sanitation for all. Indicators have been defined globally to measure the proportions of schools with access to basic drinking water, single-sex and usable basic sanitation facilities and basic handwashing facilities with soap and water.

The Philippines used the data of 38,911 elementary schools (100%) from its 2017 Enhanced Basic Information System (EBEIS) to submit baseline data for the Global SDG Report for the WinS SDG indicators.



Philippines featured as best example in regional learning exchange on WinS

The Philippine experience was also shared in the 6th Water, Sanitation and Hygiene International Learning Exchange (WinS ILE) in Myanmar. The WinS ILE is an annual event attended by more than ten South and Southeast Asian countries to share progress and good practices related to WASH in Schools. In this event, the Philippines has been highlighted as a good example of setting up structures and systems to sustainably manage WinS at scale through a policy-driven approach which is supported by mechanisms for learning, monitoring, quality assurance and performance recognition.


The WinS Program of the Philippine Department of Education is supported by GIZ Regional Fit for School Program, and actively collaborates with UNICEF and Save the Children via the WinS Core Technical Working Group. In partnership with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization´s Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH), the  Regional Fit for School Program is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, as part of the German Development Cooperation in four partner countries, namely, the Philippines, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Indonesia. The program supports Ministries of Education to implement WASH in Schools programs sustainably and on large-scale.