Fit For School Search


UNICEF-GIZ for WASH in Schools

A new article has been published on the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development´s (BMZ) website on health. The “Healthy Developments” article with the title “A win for WASH in schools: The UNICEF-GIZ partnership turns 10” focuses on how GIZ and UNICEF are working together for a common end: utilizing the  opportunity to draw up institutionalized policies and scale up hand washing programs, which eventually became the national WASH in schools (WinS) programs supported by the combined resources of development partners such as GIZ and UNICEF. By working together the two agencies could reinforce the message and support the government to institutionalize WinS within the education sector as a basic necessity rather than a ‘nice to have’ luxury.

You can read the full article here: A win for WinS (WASH in schools): The UNICEF-GIZ partnership turns 10 – Healthy DEvelopments (