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National Schools Deworming Month 2016

In July 2016, the Department of Education and Department of Health in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao celebrated the National Schools Deworming Month (NSDM). An NSDM kick-off was held last July 11, 2016 to initiate the deworming activities in schools. A video was also released during the NSDM kick-off featuring messages from several government officials including Dr. John Magno, Secretary of DepEd-ARMM, Sec. Kadil Sinolinding, Secretary of DoH-ARMM, USec. Alzad Sattar of the Bureau of Madaris Education, DepEd ARMM, and E.D. Abdulmuhmin Mujahid, Regional Jurisconsult (Darul Ifta) – ARMM. The video encourages parents to have their children dewormed and invites them to sign the consent form.