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WASH in Schools (WinS) – Philippines’ Education Sector is Leading the Way

WASH in Schools (WinS) – Philippines’ Education Sector is Leading the Way

On 30 June 2016, the Department of Education, Government of the Philippines, released DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2016 – Data Collection of Basic Education Statistics in the Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) for Beginning of School Year 2016-2017.

A milestone for WASH in Schools (WinS) was reached in the Philippines. The Department of Education has taken a huge step forward to give importance to the topic of water, sanitation and hygiene in public and private schools on a nationwide scale. The inclusion of data on WinS to be collected in each school through the Enhanced Basic Education Information System shows that the education sector has taken responsibility to manage and improve WinS. The annual data gathering in all schools of the country will now track the following WinS indicators: (a) availability of drinking water, (b) regularity of cleaning of sanitation facilities, (c) availability of group hand washing facilities, (d) accessibility of sanitary pads, (e) compliance with food handling standards, and (f) number of learners dewormed.

The data collection in the Philippines reflects the specific aspects and WinS indicators within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

All schools in th Philippines had to submit the data before August 16, which marks the first time in which the Philippine government will have information on the implementation of WASH in Schools. The revised forms supports the implementation of the WinS Policy that was issued on February 19, 2016 and reflects the growing importance of the WASH in Schools program as a strategy to improve the quality of education in the Philippines.

The relevant DepEd Order on EBEIS data collection is available at