Fit For School Search


Australian Ambassador joins group handwashing with ARMM school children

Australian Ambassador joins group handwashing with ARMM school children

The Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Her Excellency Amanda Gorely participates in group handwashing activity with school children and DepEd-ARMM officials during Brigada Eskwela clean-up and school maintenance drive at Camp Siongco Elementary School, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao.

The schools’ handwash champions demonstrated the proper way of handwashing to the guests led by Ambassador Gorely, and also joined by DepEd ARMM Assistant Secretaries Marjuni Maddi and Alfhadar Pajiji, Maguindanao II Schools Division Superintendent Bai Alibai Aliuden, and GIZ Principal Advisor Peter Hauschnik.

The ambassador also took part in painting the signage of the school’s tranaparency board, and in awarding of Certificate of Recognition and Accreditation Flag for being a WASH in School Implementer under the WINS Accreditation System of DepEd ARMM.

The WINS Accreditation System, installation of transparency boards in schools, and daily group handwashing are all part of the School Health Component of the Australian-funded BEAM-ARMM program, and implemented by GIZ in partnership with DepEd ARMM.