Fit For School Search


Fit for School featured in the GIZ Magazine Akzente

The latest issue of the GIZ magazine “akzente” is out. It features the work of the regional Fit for School program on pages 38 to 43. Focus is on the program activities in Lao PDR, highlighting the impressive numbers of the program scale-up– starting out with 22 model schools in Vientiane to over 2,200 schools across all provinces.

The article also follows a 4-year-old pre-school student and introduces his school and teaching staff to also highlight the efforts of the Ministry of Education and Sports in scaling up the program to other sub-sectors. Adapting the program to Early Childhood Education is the Ministry´s strategy to make sure that children in Lao PDR practice daily hygiene habits in healthy school environments.

You can read or download the paper following this link: E-Paper English.