Fit For School Search

Cambodia | International | GIZ | Other Organisations | 18.08.2022

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10 Immediate WASH in Schools (WinS) Actions for School Heads to Manage the Response to COVID-19 (Khmer)

Click to Download '10 Immediate WASH in Schools (WinS) Actions for School Heads to Manage the Response to COVID-19 (Khmer)'10 WinS Actions Covid-19 KHMER 2020-07.pdf (0.74 MB)

Click to Download '10 Immediate WASH in Schools (WinS) Actions for School Heads to Manage the Response to COVID-19 (Khmer)'

The global WASH in Schools network recommends 10 Immediate Actions on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools as guidance for school leaders in managing COVID-19 response and preparing for school reopening.