Fit For School Search

Philippines National | GIZ | 20.04.2023

Resources Download:
FACTSHEET: Mainstreaming COVID-19 IPC

Click to Download 'FACTSHEET: Mainstreaming COVID-19 IPC'PH-HBCC-FolderDanceContest-2023-04-11-ver06.pdf (0.6 MB)

Click to Download 'FACTSHEET: Mainstreaming COVID-19 IPC'

This factsheet features the social media campaign by the Philippines’ Ministry of Education, supported by
GIZ’s Fit for School Programme, which includes information on the campaign’s experience in:

  1. Developing a social media campaign to mainstream COVID-19 IPC measures.
  2. Selection of the personality/influencer to deliver the message.
  3. Choosing different platforms and channels to ensure that the materials can reach the target audience.
  4. Using jingles and dance video contest to increase the campaign’s reach and engagement.