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Philippines National | GIZ | 02.09.2020

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Factsheet: WASH in Schools Massive Open Online Course (WinS MOOC) (Update 2022)

Click to Download 'Factsheet: WASH in Schools Massive Open Online Course (WinS MOOC) (Update 2022)'gizffs FIT WinS MOOCs Factsheet March 2022.pdf (0.9 MB)

Click to Download 'Factsheet: WASH in Schools Massive Open Online Course (WinS MOOC) (Update 2022)'

This factsheet gives an overview of the WinS MOOC for school and division levels, including the instructional methodology. DepEd WinS Monitoring results indicate that the course has significant impact on percentage of schools improving their star level after participation in the MOOC compared to schools that did not participate.