Fit For School Search

Cambodia | GIZ | Ministries of Education | 06.04.2021

Video resource:

Click to open 'Minimum Requirement Guidelines on WASH in Schools' Minimum Requirement Guidelines on WASH in Schools

In order to reach the water, sanitation, and hygiene goals of the Cambodian National Strategic Development Plan, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has developed the “Minimum Requirement Guidelines on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools” to guide education officers and stakeholders in implementing WASH improvements step by step to reduce infectious disease rates, especially diarrhea and respiratory infections, as well as reducing malnutrition.

The Minimum Requirement Guidelines on WASH in Schools aim to strengthen and improve WinS through implementing step by step activities in the following categories:

  • Category 1: Drinking Water
  • Category 2: Latrines and Urinals
  • Category 3: Handwashing Facilities
  • Category 4: Environment and Safety

The video series gives an overview for each of the categories, a general introduction to the objectives and background of the Minimum Requirements for WinS and instructions on how to use the national monitoring framework and tools for education officials.