Fit For School Search

International | GIZ | 14.06.2019

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Poster: What gets measured gets done – Direct and indirect MHM indicators within the SDG WinS Monitoring Framework

Click to Download 'Poster: What gets measured gets done – Direct and indirect MHM indicators within the SDG WinS Monitoring Framework'1621849157 09 MHM Poster[1].pdf (0.22 MB)

Click to Download 'Poster: What gets measured gets done – Direct and indirect MHM indicators within the SDG WinS Monitoring Framework'

Ministries of Education have the power and the responsibility to transform schools into places with MHM-friendly WASH facilities and easy access to information about menarche and menstruation. This poster describes where Menstrual Hygiene Management is included in the Sustainable Development Goals and the WinS Monitoring Framework.