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Philippines National | GIZ | 14.04.2020

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Report: Assessment of Cooking Systems and Practices in Public Elementary Schools in the Philippines

Click to Download 'Report: Assessment of Cooking Systems and Practices in Public Elementary Schools in the Philippines'Cooking System Report Philippines 20190724.pdf (1.74 MB)

Click to Download 'Report: Assessment of Cooking Systems and Practices in Public Elementary Schools in the Philippines'

The status and capacities of cooking systems in schools are important factors in implementing a feeding program. In this regard, it is essential to explore the characteristics of existing cooking systems to shed light on logistics aspect of implementation and assess the readiness of schools for a scaled-up feeding program that intends to cover an increasing number of beneficiaries. The goal of the study was to assess the current status of cooking systems being used in public elementary schools in the Philippines and to describe the cooking practices within the setting of the school related to the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP).