Fit For School Search

Lao PDR | GIZ | Ministries of Education | 23.10.2016

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Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience (Lao Version)

Click to Download 'Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience (Lao Version)'SEAMEO INNOTECH GIZ Research Update Sisattanak Scale-up Experience 2016.pdf (1.09 MB)

Click to Download 'Scaling-up the Fit for School Program: Sisattanak District Experience (Lao Version)'

This report reflects the outcomes of a study that was carried out in Sisattanak District in Vientiane Capital to examine how the District was able to scale-up the Fit for School program to all primary schools in its area by describing existing structures, processes, and facilitating and hindering factors.

The Research Update on the Sisattanak District scale-up experience has been translated into the Lao language.