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Philippines National | GIZ | Ministries of Education | Scientific Journals | 07.10.2022

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The impact of an operation and management intervention on toilet usability in schools in the Philippines: a cluster randomised controlled trial

Click to Download 'The impact of an operation and management intervention on toilet usability in schools in the Philippines: a cluster randomised controlled trial'The impact of an O&M management intervention on toilet usability in schools in the Philippines (4).pdf (0.55 MB)

Click to Download 'The impact of an operation and management intervention on toilet usability in schools in the Philippines: a cluster randomised controlled trial'

Access to usable water, sanitation and hygiene provision in schools is included within indicators in
the Sustainable Development Goals. Progress towards these indicators is dependent on developing an
understanding of which intervention components are most effective to operate and maintain usable services. This study aimed to determine the impact of a school toilet operation and management intervention in the Philippines on toilet usability and student and teacher satisfaction, adjusted for clustering at school level. You may access the journal HERE.