Fit For School Search

International | Philippines National | GIZ | 14.08.2019

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Click to open 'WASHaLOT 3.0: Production Process' WASHaLOT 3.0: Production Process

Access to functional and clean group washing facilities in schools allow for WASH activities for a larger number of children at various times throughout the day. Group washing facilities, which need to be water-saving, are designed to enable both group handwashing and individual handwashing. Based on this there is a demand for durable and scalable infrastructure which are long-lasting, low cost and can be mass produced which will facilitate personal hygiene for children in schools. The facility should be pre-fabricated to ensure quality and efficiency to a certain standard.

This production video is intended for potential local producers with the technical capacity and skills to fabricate the WASHaLOT 3.0. It is also important to note that setting-up a production site should also consider material availability and the demand for group washing facilities in the region.


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