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WinS Global Network COVID-WinS Knowledge Map Announcement


The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, has led to school closures worldwide and has drawn renewed attention to WASH, with a particular focus on hygiene in schools.

To help you navigate through the jungle of information about COVID-19, especially with regards to its relevance for the school community, the WASH in Schools Network (UNICEF, GIZ, Save the Children, WATERAID; Emory, LSHTM, among others) has compiled a knowledge map with links to relevant materials about COVID-19 which have been selected from high-quality and reliable sources for the education system, families and for pre-primary, primary and secondary school children.

The map is intended for learners, their families and the education system for the duration of school closures as well as in preparation for the re-opening of schools. 

The knowledge map can be accessed HERE.

We will continue to update the materials regularly and ensure that all new or any currently overlooked materials are included on a timely basis. Please write to, if you come across any helpful websites, links or videos. Following a careful quality control, those materials may be included in our knowledge map.

Fit for School is an active member of the global WASH in Schools Network and a co-lead of the working group on WinS program guidance.