The Royal Kingdom of Cambodia started to implement the Fit for School program in 2011. With support from GIZ and SEAMEO INNOTECH, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) implemented the program in ten public primary model schools in different geographical locations, including the capital city of Phnom Penh, as well as in the provinces of Kampot, Takeo, Kampong Thom, and Kampong Chhang in two schools per province. In 2014, the MoEYS decided to focus its scale-up strategy on Kampot Province first and establish a working model for the rest of the country subsequently. As of October 2017, Kampot Province has scaled-up the full Fit for School program activities to 70 primary schools (23 % of all 306 primary schools) in less than two years.
In order to deepen the understanding of how the MoEYS has been able to scale-up the Fit for School program, SEAMEO INNOTECH and GIZ conducted a study looking into success factors that enabled this scale-up.
The study has been translated into the Khmer language to reach a wider audience.